Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

by Maninder Pal Singh
Feature Engineering in Machine Learning
Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

Feature Engineering in Machine Learning


The act of turning raw data into features that more accurately capture the underlying issue for the prediction models and increase their efficacy is known as feature engineering. It’s an important stage in the machine learning process and has a big effect on how well models work.

What is Feature Engineering?

Feature engineering involves selecting, transforming, and creating features from unprocessed data to improve the performance of machine learning models. It handles tasks such as dealing with missing data, encoding categorical variables, scaling numerical features, creating interaction terms, and selecting relevant attributes.

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning

In machine learning, feature engineering aims to enhance model performance. The four primary steps of feature engineering in machine learning are:

  1. Feature creation: Finding the most beneficial variables to include in a predictive model, often involving human ingenuity and intervention.
  2. Feature transformation: Using existing features to create new ones, potentially more effective in a different context.
  3. Feature extraction: Creating new variables by extracting them from the raw data to reduce the amount of data and facilitate data modeling.
  4. Feature selection: Removing unnecessary features from the dataset, unlike feature extraction which creates new features.

Importance of Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhanced Model Performance: Well-engineered features can lead to more reliable and accurate models.
  • Reduced Overfitting: Helps in focusing the model on the most crucial data aspects, reducing noise and irrelevant information.
  • Shorter Training and Inference Times: Reduces the dimensionality of the feature space, leading to quicker training and predictions.
  • Interpretability: Produces features that are easier to comprehend and interpret, enhancing the model’s interpretability.

Methods to Determine Important Features

Several techniques can be employed to identify important features during model training:

  • Regression coefficients: Using standardized regression coefficients to determine the weight of each feature in logistic and linear regression models.
  • Gini feature importance: Computed for every feature in tree-based models, indicating the reduction in node impurity weighted by the likelihood of achieving splits involving those features.
  • Permutation feature importance: A model-agnostic approach involving shuffling the data for each feature and computing the change in prediction accuracy.
  • SHAP feature importance: Analyzing neural network models and other popular models to understand the importance of features.

Feature Selection Methods in Machine Learning

Feature selection methods include:

  • Filtering techniques: Using statistical testing to eliminate redundant and uninformative features before training.
  • Wrapping methods: Sequentially adding or deleting features based on the outcomes of previous selections, such as recursive feature elimination (RFE).
  • Embedded techniques: Using methods like decision trees and LASSO for feature selection based on the capacity to determine the maximal subset of relevant candidate attributes.
  • Dimensionality reduction: Techniques like PCA, NMF, LDA, and MDR that transform the feature space to reduce its size while maximizing data variance.
  • Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE): A technique for feature selection that recursively removes the least important features.

Difference between Feature Selection and Feature Extraction: Feature selection involves choosing a subset of features from the input dataset, whereas feature extraction reduces dimensionality by transforming data with greater dimensions into lower dimensions.


An essential phase in time series forecasting, including stock market index movement prediction, is feature engineering. The effectiveness of forecasting models can be greatly impacted by the quality and relevance of the features chosen. Feature engineering is a critical stage in the machine learning pipeline and significantly influences model performance.

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